1. Do you think u're hot? - i'm just being 'hot' 4 my hubby only...muahahaha
2. Upload your fav picture of u
3. Why do u like that picture? - ntahle..mmg suka sgt2...byk sgt sentimental value kat pic ni...this was our 1st pic...its already 8 years...i was studying and he was joined his new job @ klcc...lihatla betapa naif nya kitorang..hehehe
4. When was the last time u ate pizza? - if i'm not mistaken last 2 weeks kot..after buying engagement stuff for my bro-in-law..then i told him.."sedapnye pizza..." terus dia ajak masuk pizza hut kat tepi giant melawati...yeahoo!! lepas gian nk mkn chicken wings :P
5. The last song u listen to? - Tuhanku by Aishah (previously sang by Zubir Ali) - baru lepas azan asar maa...sbb tu dgr lagu2 ketuhanan gitew...
6. What are u doing right now beside this? - huhu working la apo laie...dah 6 hari cuti ni....susah tol nak panas enjin..heheh
7. What name u prefer beside yours? - i just like my name which given from my beloved parents...anyway if i've a daughter/son soon..i'll love to name her/him "Ardini Husna / Ammar Husaini"..insyaAllah
People to tag:
mama anis
dudu sweetgarden
8. Who is no. 1? - she's my fren+ex-coursemate+ex-neighbour (sebelah bilik) while studying @ uitm...now 'working' as fulltime housewife & blogger tegar gitu..heheh..suka memasak....but until now i never taste her food..heheh
9. No. 3 is having relationship with? - of cos la papa, anis & baby aina :P
10. Say something about no. 5 - i'm following her 'life' since fotopages until blogspot...she's very funny..like her 'bahasa pasar' while blogging...i've cried when read about her arwah Alesha...hope 2 meet her soon :P
11. How about no. 4? - she's cute...somtimes pening gak baca blog dia..xpo la budak2 bwh umo..huhu jgn mare ye dudu :P
12. And no. 2? - she's my committee-mate during convo fiest here...very young mom (she was married at 18 and now have 3 kids- the eldest will be in standard 1 next year)..she's very nice person...
ok for those yg kena tag tu..apo laie..silakan jwb ye puan2..daaa....
time kasey tag dudu kak ;p
kak ryani fening ngn gapo, ngan ayat kebudak2an blog sy kee hik hik
kawe keno tag jugok...
nnt kawe jwb yer...
neway ... happy bufday yan...
also...happy maal hijrah n 2009
moga sihat sentiasa... dan thn2 mendatang lebih mendatangkan kebahagiaan
saye kne tag???aiyarkkk...
haa jwb jgn x jwb..muehehe
tq 4 d wish ye :P
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